So, this has been a long week...and its only Monday. Much greatness has has resulted from this week already, but it has already proven to be a hard grind to work through.
It began with Crossroads' "Explosive Love" Marriage Conference. Bro. David facebooked that he was ready "To get Explosive Love all over me this weekend." Many of his readers did NOT know that Explosive Love was a marriage conference. As a staff member, I had a bit more responsibilities than the regular attendees (Nothing, however, compared to the work of one Ms. Pam Chisolm). It was a blessing, but a time consuming event...All night Friday and most of Saturday
Then Sunday came. The AM service was the conclusion of "Explosive Love," which was proceeded by lunch with the speaker, Ken Brumley from Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler. Being Valentines weekend, Sunday, and Italian food meant a long lunch. Arriving home at 2:30 (with a stromboli-filled tummy) I began to prepare for our Youth Leadership meeting at 4:30. After the meeting, PM worship, and a Missions Meeting, I headed study for a Biblical Interpretation II test. I studied until midnight.
Waking early this morning, I went to class. Luckily, I had a two hour break which I filled with studying interp. Following the test, I headed to Crossroads to continue preparing my first ever Sunday morning message for our morning worship...That's right...they're letting this goofy mug preach in a morning service.
I promised Sarah I'd be home at 6, and I made it! We ate, and I immediately began to study for my Philosophy of Religion test. I have been studying for HOURS, and am about to go to bed
Over the weekend, I received a letter 'inviting' me to join the national religion honors society, "Theta, Alpha, Kappa." I will join, and am excited to do so. Immediately following my interp test, I received a huge surprise. I was informed that I was selected by the Religion department as the one who will preach in the "Senior Preaching Chapel" on March 9th. I'm waay pumped. I don't want to brag very much, but this is a pretty big deal within the religion department. The thing I have to do is to remember that this is a honor and a huge responsibility not to be taken lightly.
It has already been a long week. I will have to skip a class and chapel tomorrow to study for my Philosophy of Religion test that is later that day. After finishing the test (for good or ill), is back to work on the sermon (or sermons).
I know this amount of 'busyness' is not healthy or glorifying to God, but I really have been blessed and encouraged at all the things I have learned and in all the areas I have grown. (Ok...I admit, tests and my lack of sleep are lame). The marriage conference was a huge blessing and encouragement. Youth stuff has been going great. The Youth Leadership meeting saw much accomplished. I've been really learning and growing in this time of sermon preparation...and I've been extremely encouraged at the amount of respect and trust I've been shown from both my professors and my fellow staff members at Crossroads.
And I leave you with this, for your viewing pleasure...My Philosophy of Religion Exam review questions!
- Discuss Kai Nielson’s atheistic argument based on the “incoherence” of theism. On what basis does he describe theism as “incoherent”? What is your response to that conclusion?
2. Discuss the atheistic argument from “divine silence.” What is the essential claim of people who make such an argument? What is your response to this atheistic argument?
3. Respond to the claim that belief in God is nothing but a sociological phenomenon, that religion can be explained by recognizing that societies create religious beliefs and institutions that reinforce the stability of the society.
4. Respond to the assertion that the advance of scientific knowledge leaves no room for the existence of God.
5. On what basis is the plurality of religions evidence against the existence of God? Suggest a possible means of refuting an atheistic argument based on the plurality of religions.
6. How is the existence of evil the basis of an argument against the existence of God? Suggest a possible means of refuting an atheistic argument based on the existence of evil.
7. Distinguish between an ontological argument for the existence of God, a cosmological argument for the existence of God, and a teleological argument for the existence of God.
8. Present William Lane Craig’s causal argument for the existence of God, and explain how it attempts to avoid the objection raised by Bertrand Russell to causal arguments.
9. Present an argument for the existence of God based on contingency. How might an atheist respond to this argument? What counterargument can be offered in response to the atheist’s objections?
10. Discuss the theistic argument based on “fine-tuning.” In what way is this argument superior to William Paley’s argument from design? On what grounds might an atheist reject the “fine-tuning” argument?
indolent ;)
My stupid comments haven't been working, but they *hopefully* are now
I love you and am so proud of you.
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