Jeffs Face

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bach gave us God's Word. Mozart gave us God's laughter...

So, the summer is trucking along. It has, for sure, been a wild ride. Youth camp, Mission trip, game days, water parks, vacation bible school...and then Sarah and I leave for 'fish camp' (A pre-teen camp) on Thursday. In the upcoming month, we have a big back to school party-like week, and a youth conference to go to. There has been lots of drama, yelling, tears, growth and awesomeness. There is also still a chance I will be traveling to Nashville in the middle of August for a photography job.

While this may sound exciting (it was, is and will be), there are two more totally separate, yet fundamentally linked events that I would like to discuss. I am very excited about these events that once set in motion will create a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Firstly, Next Sunday evening starting at 9:00 PM, my life will be forever changed. Let me sum up my feelings with this quote: "Bach gave us God's Word. Mozart gave us God's laughter. Discovery gave us Shark Week." That is right my faithful followers. In 8 days, at 9:00 PM Central time, the Discovery Channel will be launching Shark Week. The planets are aligning, the time is near...prepare yourselves, my will never be the same.

Surprise Attacks

So what else can possibly matter? What is the second tidbit of excellence? Well, My family and I are going on vacation in a few weeks to a favorite vacation destination of my families, Port Aransas, TX (on the beach). I very much look forward to the prospect of relaxing (or chilling [or chillaxing]). I plan on leaving my phone in our condo most of the week. There will be nobody yelling at me (well...except Sarah or Colin), nobody telling me of various dramas going on within our group...just me, my family, and fun. I can't wait.

How do these things relate? I hope you will have made the connection between my 2 exciting bits of news. I would have hoped that it was obvious. Well...shark week is awesome, and so is the beach. It doesn't stop there though. We must dig a bit deeper... perhaps it is the fact that sharks live in the ocean, and I will be swimming in the ocean? Perhaps I will get eaten by a shark? Yes...there it is, we have arrived at our destination.

Although I hope not, I am going to go ahead and make the call that I will be attacked by a shark. Not a huge shark, just a regular sized shark. It will bite of either a few toes or my foot. I am going to start thinking this way...that way, if I really do get bitten by a shark, I will be prepared. I will be ready to walk with a limp. I will be ready to be on Good Morning America...I will be willing and ready to recieve my new well-earned nickname, "Nubs McGee."

Shark Attack


Saturday, July 11, 2009

And the winner is....Something Random

Well, the masses have spoken. Of course by masses, I mean all eleven of you who desperately cling to my every word and have unrelentingly checked my face daily for some hint of an update.

As I proclaimed from the rooftop a mere 24 hours ago, I will be updating my blog with regularity from now on. I will type with such motivation and fervor... I will, oh yes, I will.

So, the winner of the poll was something random. What can I say that is not random? Here is my current dilemma.

"random |ˈrandəm|
>made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision : a random sample of 100 households.
• Statistics governed by or involving equal chances for each item.
• (of masonry) with stones of irregular size and shape.
at random without method or conscious decision : he opened the book at random."

You see, deliberately planning a 'random' act seems like an oxymoron. Is it truly random if you plan it? If you simply start typing, in hopes of attaining randomness, your mind will inevitably lead you to something that relates to the apparent random typing. How much more of this can I take? Let me put aside this truly mind-boggling quandry and proceed with the randomness.

I am getting to lead worship tomorrow at church. I really love leading worship, but I do know my limitations. I feel like my strong suit is the actual 'leading' of instruments...carefully planning song dynamics and transitions. This bodes well for somebody leading music. I also know, however, that my voice is my weakness. This does not bode well for somebody who is leading a congregation in worship.

We (we = the band) are performing a special that we learned at Youth Camp. It is called "Found" by the worship leader Aaron Ivey. Aaron Ivey was the former frontman of the worship band "Spur63." The thing that impressed me the most about him was his lyrics. They were honest, straight forward, and simple. Sometimes I feel like the words we sing in worship can be too poetic or too clever. I find myself just singing some random words that are supposed to lift up our Savior and Lord. At camp, I felt myself singing stories of grace and complete thoughts of thanks to our heavenly father. It was really one of the most amazing times of worship I've had in my life.

I am very excited about are the lyrics:

"Jesus, healer of brokenness
Savior, fixer of troubled souls
Redeemer, turning my eyes to thee
Mighty God, you’re just and merciful


Oh God of beauty and grace
You are my resting place
All of my life is found in You
You’ve taken my brokenness
Made me whole once again
All of my life is found in You
I’m found in you


All my security, my destiny
What lies ahead is found in you
All my hopes and dreams, all my thoughts unseen
All my wants are found in You
What I dread and fear, all that weighs me down
All my trust is found in You
My sustaining breath, all that gives me strength
All life-giving is found in You

See you soon.


Friday, July 10, 2009

T-T-Today Junior


I'll admit, my presence (or lack of) has hardly been noticed with the bloggosphere. I will also admit, that this comes as no harsh blow to anybody. Thus far, my blog has consisted of 5 (arguably 6) separate and totally bizarre posts, only loosely related to each other. Well, my friends, it is time for me to take a stand...To step out and take it to the next level. The bar has been set low, but to quote the raven, "never more." For all of you oppugners out there who may scoff at my statement, I ask you to believe. Believe in something bigger than yourself. Believe in something bigger than Jeff's Face. Believe in a feeble young man with a feeble young mind who toils for days with hopes of a fruitful verbose harvest. Believe that words like 'great' 'awesome' or 'awe-inspiring' will one day be reattributed to this small space on the inter-web. If you write it, they will come. Believe...T-T-Today.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Update coming soon

the title says it all