I got this idea from Saddleback's High School pastor, Josh Griffin. He has a very thorough youth ministry blog: www.morethandodgeball.com
Wednesday Teaching Series: Jr. High Bible Stuff (DVD Series with Kurt Johnson, 3/6)
Sermon in a Sentence: God created us to have relationship and communication with him, and to embrace his goodness and forgiveness.
Bible: 1 Samuel 16-18
Attendance: 28 Students, 15 Leaders
Understandable Message: This was the third week of Jr. High Bible Stuff 2. Its been a great intro to the character of God so far. The message focused on the anointing of young David and God's work through him. The message concluded with the David and Goliath story. The lesson focused on how God used the lest likely person of Jesse's household to become king. David is considered "a man after God's own heart." Despite David's future failings, he always turns to God. No matter how much we mess up, as long as we are striving to please God and live according to his standard, he is faithful to forgive.
Element of Fun/Positive Environment: We kicked off the day a little differently, playing "Despicable Me" as the kids were getting situated. Its my favorite movie right now! We also showed the youth group favorite "Snack Pack" video by balloon shop. There was no relevance to the video, but we all got a good laugh. Jeremy and Danielle Closs also gave us the awesome news that a Baby Closs is on the way.
Worship Playlist: Wholly Yours, O Praise Him, Our God, Revelation Song
Favorite Moment: We announced that the Leadership Track program had begun, and asked the kids to stand who were a part of it. Afterwards, I saw that many of them have already started journaling! Tyler Riley also gave an awesome testimony
Next Week: Coming face to face with Jesus (JHBS week 4/6)
The Best Birthday of All!
9 years ago
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