rain |rān|
moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops
read |rēd|
verb ( past read |red|) [ trans. ]
1 look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed
write |rīt|
verb ( past wrote |rōt|; past part. written |ˈritn|) [ trans. ]
1 mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement
So. I thought it was about time to get back to my blogging roots. If you are one of my loyal followers, you will know that the words I have spoken hold no real meaning. You know that my blogging roots aren't that deep, as I have a grand total of 13 posts. So, lets see what we can do to end this blogging recession. Let me raise up and run back to the blog'o'sphere.
Today I write about a few thing that seem to have taken over my universe. Firstly, is rain. Rain came upon us in East Texas last Thursday. Sometimes the drops have been very visible, but other times not so. We have only seen sunshine for a few hours since last Thursday. It feel really dreary, and although it is not that hot, it only adds to the ridiculous amount of humidity here. Is this the darkness of the Day of the Lord?
I kind of feel like it is. You know, they say that "it never rains but it pours." That is how I feel when it comes to reading and writing this semester. I have to read 10 commentaries, 4 books for classes, hundreds of pages of professors notes, and lots of research to do.
If that was where the craziness stopped, I just might be OK, but alas, it is not so. A 3-5 page summary paper is due over each of the commentaries. Depending on the size of the commentary it is either due weekly or bi-weekly (the last commentary was 250 pages). I have to write additional book reviews for each of the 'books for class' (two books require a two part review) usually around 5-7 pages. I also have a research paper to write in 3 of the classes hat will be anywhere from 10-13 pages. So, I'm going to read lots of pages this year and write 19 papers...ugg
I don't say all this to complain. I don't really want sympathy (that won't help me get this stuff done) but an outlet for my frustration and a place to tangibly understand my task. It never rains, but it pours.
I want to leave you with this piece of awesomeness that I saw on David Crowder's twitter. Its an amazing website called animalswithlightsabers.com
Here is a mere sampling of the goodness
In a non-related note. I've been working on a new church website for Crossroads.
You should check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.crossroadsbcfamily.org
The Best Birthday of All!
9 years ago
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